About us

History of our group

70's: Andrea Visentin founded Cartoplastica s.r.l., a company specialising in the production of items that are moulded and cut out of Airpop® (EPS). The inspiration to start producing this innovative material in Italy was conceived during a trip to Germany where Mr. Visentin bought a miniature train for his son Renzo. When the gift was opened Mr Visentin realised that the train was packed in a new, white and ingenious material: Airpop® (EPS). Amazed at the innovation, he started investigating how he could import the material to Italy and initiate its production in several sectors: construction, fishing, floriculture, household appliance, dairy, wine-production.

90's: Renzo Visentin created a spin-off from his father's business: Errevi s.r.l. specialising in the marketing of underfloor heating panels for the heating industry. Errevi s.r.l. aims to provide added value to products that are already on the market by means of the beneficial features provided by Airpop® (EPS) and the application of numerous patented technologies.

2017 : The ariadinamica.it project was born, to make the new applied technology products developed by Errevi s.r.l available to the end user, in a fast and dynamic manner.

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